
3 Tips for Keeping Your Teen Safe Online

We live in a digital age where things are more dangerous than ever online. As much as we might like to believe that the Internet is a safe place intended for sharing useful information and exchanging with our friends and family, the truth is that there are plenty of predators present. 

Unsupervised children, and particularly teens can find themselves victim to child predators. People who have been faced with sexual charges are ever present online which is why it’s up to you to ensure you keep your kids safe. If you’re a parent looking for ways to keep your teens safe online, here’s how.


Teens can be secretive, which is unfortunately part of the territory. As they get older they may tell you less and less which is why it’s important that you make them feel safe coming to you to talk. Instead of judging them, encourage them to feel comfortable discussing their online activity. 

Ask them about what new apps they’re using, if they’ve had any uncomfortable interactions, and share your own experiences too. The more you can foster an environment of safety, the more they’ll feel comfortable letting you know what’s going on in their real life and on the digital plane as well.

Set Guidelines

You can’t expect your teen to meet your expectations if you don’t explain exactly what your expectations and boundaries are. Make sure they understand exactly what the rules are for internet use, and what types of websites and social media platforms they’re allowed to be on. 

Go over what they should share and should not share online. For example, their home address should never be shared, and any of their personal details like where they go to school. Even though they may initially dismiss this as you’re being “paranoid” it’s important that you reiterate how important your guidelines are for their well-being.

Use Parental Controls

Regardless of how well behaved your teen is, teens often go through a rebellious stage. They are still in the middle of becoming who they are, so they may test out their boundaries from time to time.  It’s up to you to enforce the rules by using parental controls. Whether it’s blocking certain websites and apps, or setting time limits for how long they can be on their phone, parental controls give you an extra layer of safety knowing that you’re the one ultimately behind the wheel of their internet use.

Check from time to time on how often they’re using their phone, and where they’re spending the most time. The more you keep an eye on their activity, the less likely they are to fall into a dangerous situation. Knowledge and awareness are key.
