DIY / Home Improvement

4 Things You Need This Summer

As the warm weather approaches, the more important it is to prepare ourselves for it. Having the right essentials and tips can help you enjoy your summer that much more. Because with the hot weather and long days, you could find yourself faced with heat exhaustion, sunburns, and astronomical energy bills. Whatever you’re planning on doing this summer, here are some of the most important things you’ll need.


Whether you’re cooking in your backyard, or you’re at the beach, sunblock is a must when you’re under the sun. Choose a sunscreen that is at least 30 SPF, and protects not only against UVA rays but also UVB rays. Remember, sunblock needs to be applied several times throughout the day, particularly if you’re in direct sunlight. 

Every two hours is usually the standard recommendation, however, if you have extremely pale skin, you might want to consider applying even more often. The reason for this is that if you go in the water, or even if you sweat, the sunscreen will start to wear off. This also applies to waterproof formulas, as even though they might last longer on the skin, they don’t last forever.

An Insulated Water Bottle

Gone are the days where we had to drink water out of hot plastic bottles. Not only do they give your water a lousy taste, but they’re also linked to cancer. Plastics melt into the water you drink if you leave your bottle in the hot sun. 

Therefore, opting for an insulated bottle is the best way to ensure your drink tastes good and stays cold. It makes it much easier to stay hydrated in hot weather when you’re sipping on good-tasting and fresh water. Make sure that you invest in a good water bottle that is BPA-free to avoid ingesting harmful chemicals.

An Outdoor Living Space

One of the best parts of summer is being able to enjoy yourself outside. What better place to kick back and relax than in your own backyard? Create an outdoor living space oasis where you can receive guests, and enjoy the outdoors without having to go out in public. 

From a nice hammock to a few cushions on the ground, create an outdoor living space that reflects your style and is comfortable to spend time in. Remember, any cushions or furniture you put outside should be made of durable materials. Even though it’s summer, it may rain occasionally, so you want to make sure that whatever materials you keep outside are weather-resistant. Otherwise, you risk mold and ultimately degrading furniture.

Light Clothing

Light clothing is a must when the temperatures are sweltering. You want light and breathable cotton that allows your skin to fill the freshness of the air while also being protected from sunshine. From dresses to flowy skirts, fill your wardrobe full of things that you feel confident in, but will also keep you cool on a hot day.
