DIY / Home Improvement

The Little Things Tree Grates Do to Make a Big Difference

Building a functional yet aesthetically appealing urban landscape is a tough job for urban planners and landscapers. In many cases, urban planners have to work around buildings, roads, and other infrastructural developments. Trees are one of the smartest landscaping techniques to bring to life the urban landscape.

Cities across the country now invest heavily to implement urban landscapes designed around trees with beautiful tree grating forming an integral part of these installations. If you are an urban landscaper or a property owner, it’s crucial to appreciate the role trees can play in your landscaping plans.

Trees fuse aesthetics and function in urban landscapes. They not only make a city more beautiful but also boost the air quality, and increase urban biodiversity.

What’s more, trees are perfect filters for pollutants and also mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air. Properties in well-landscaped areas also boast higher value, and this is a good reason to plant trees.

This post explores the challenges urban trees face and how tree grates can solve most of these issues.

Challenges in Using Trees for Urban Landscaping

While many cities and towns have tried integrating trees in urban landscaping, not all have succeeded. If you walk around many cities, you’ll most likely encounter misshapen trees with trash all around them. Town dwellers view trees as inconveniences when the roots grow out of pavements and hinder smooth traffic flow.

Worse still, urban trees have to contend with vandalism, exposure to high temperatures caused by urban heat islands, root damage, and exposure to de-icing salt. Many trees also suffer stunted growth due to poor water and air circulation around roots owing to laying of pavements.

These are significant challenges, but urban dwellers have discovered that tree grates can help overcome most of them. These beautiful installations might not look like an influential part of the landscaping, yet they have a huge role in guaranteeing the success of urban landscapes.

Integration of Trees in Urban Landscaping

Integrating trees into urban landscaping is one of the biggest challenges urban landscapers and planners face. Trees are naturally beautiful and have a huge impact on any landscape. However, in big cities and towns, residents seem to have other things on their minds other than beauty. It is no wonder that one of the biggest dangers trees face in urban areas is vandalism.

As an urban landscaper, you have to find an effective technique to enable trees to blend easily into their surroundings.  A tree grate might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but in cities where these installations are in use, trees enjoy healthier growth.

A tree grate is a metal plate with openings created in unique patterns. This plate is used to cover a tree pit dug around the tree trunk to promote root growth. By excavating this pit, an urban landscaper wants to loosen the soil and improve air and water circulation.

A tree grate also plays a critical role in preventing soil compaction by foot traffic.  When the soil is loose, air and water flow more smoothly, and this, in turn, promotes the tree’s growth. If you want healthier trees on your urban landscape, you need to check tree grating at Jonite to find a customizable solution that will fit your landscaping needs.

Using tree gratings ensures roots can grow freely without becoming an obstacle to urban foot traffic. People can walk around trees without any risk of injury.  Without these installations, urban dwellers would continue a poor relationship with trees due to the accidents on pavements. Worse still, urban trees might not grow to their majestic age due to root damage.

While a tree grate might look inconsequential in landscaping, it plays a critical role in integrating trees into the urban landscape.

Adding Flair to Urban Landscaping

Another concern for urban landscapers in regards to trees is the aesthetic impact they have on the surroundings. Without a covering over the tree pit, the roots are an eyesore, and this is the last thing urbanites want to see.

Tree pits can also collect a lot of litter as urban dwellers will dump trash here. Cast iron tree grates can solve this problem by adding a touch of beauty around the tree. It is a simple way to discourage people from dumping trash around the tree trunk.

Better still, using decorative stone or metal grating enhances aesthetics and makes trees more attractive.  Tree grating can change the perception urban dwellers have with trees around them.

Concrete tree grates are easy to customize, and they will make more people notice their surroundings. It is the first step in building a positive relationship between urban dwellers and trees.

Wrapping Up

At first glance, tree grates don’t seem to play any big role in urban landscaping. However, when you examine the little things these installations do in the protection of trees, you start acknowledging the reason you have to use them. They are a smart strategy if you want to successfully use trees in an urban landscape.
