
Beep Beep! Defensive Driving Tips for Teens and New Drivers

Even the most experienced drivers get into car accidents. As a teen or new driver, it’s essential to know a few defensive driving tips to keep you and your passengers as safe as possible. Getting behind the wheel and driving for the first time is a scary experience. 


Driving can be scary because once you enter the roads, you’re surrounding yourself with thousands of other drivers who you have no control over. That’s why it’s so important to drive defensively. 

You can’t stop other drivers from making mistakes, but you can protect yourself from being affected by them. Continue reading below for several defensive driving tips you need to know about.

1. Expect Other People to Make Mistakes

You’ve taken your classes, passed the test, and practiced more than anyone you know. However, no matter how good of a driver you are, you’re going to be on the road with other drivers who can make mistakes at any given time. 

You need to stay prepared by expecting other people to make mistakes behind the wheel. Don’t trust anyone but yourself. If a car is driving with a blinker on in the lane of the opposite direction, don’t assume that they’re going to stop to turn and make decisions based on this. 

Sometimes, people forget to turn blinkers off, and this is just one example.

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings and Focus at All Times

You need to be aware of your surroundings and stay focused at all times while driving. This means eliminating all distractions, especially cellphones. If needed, turn your cellphone ringer to silent while in the car to prevent you from looking at it. 

Keep an eye on all cars around you at all times. Is a car swerving? Pull back from them. 

Does a car look like they might pull out in front of you? Prepare to stop.

3. Keep a Safe Distance From the Car Ahead of You

When driving, you never know when the person in front of you might slam on their brakes. Even when it seems like there’s no reason for them to do it, they will. To prevent yourself from slamming into the back of their car and being left with fees, injuries, and other undesired troubles, keep a safe distance.

It’s never a good idea to drive closely behind someone and even when keeping a safe distance, prepare to stop at any given time.

4. Buckle up and Contact an Attorney When in Need

A great way to defend yourself against injuries caused by car accidents is to always wear your seatbelt. The first thing you want to do when entering your vehicle is buckle up. 

If you do happen to get in an accident, your seatbelt can save your life. When an accident does occur, be sure to contact a Ben Windham Attorney as well to ensure you have someone defending you.

Always Know Your Defensive Driving Tips

When taking to the road, always know your defensive driving tips. Knowing them will help keep you and all your passengers safe. If you are completely new to driving, learn all of your state specific rules and safety tips. Zutobi offers a free Florida permit practice test and also offers tests for all US states.

For more topics as helpful as this one, be sure to check out our page on a daily basis!