Health & Fitness

Matias Campiani discusses the future of AI in Healthcare

Matias Campiani believes that using artificial intelligence in healthcare around the world is a fast-growing phenomenon and many think that this will only grow and grow. Robotic surgeries have taken place all over the world. They have led to a one fifth decrease in the length of time that patients have to stay in the hospital, this is because it is so much less invasive. Therefore, patients do not need as much time to heal and it also lowers the risk of infection. Some studies have shown that there have been five times less complications after surgery. With statistics like this the likelihood is that this type of surgery is going to become more popular and widespread. There are AI models in testing that can even operate on your heart.

Picture this once you have had your operation, virtual nurses will come around to assist you. They could save the Healthcare Industry over 20 billion per year. They will not need to be paid overtime or in fact at all but what would people really think of them, how would it be without the human touch. I guess we get along ok with Siri and Alexa so who knows, it may not be as daunting as it sounds.

Before you even get to this stage Artificial Intelligence may have been responsible for your diagnosis. Skin cancer, cardiac arrests via voice recognition and breast cancer algorithms are all work that has shown some positive results and are still in the testing and analytical stages.

AI can also do the administrative tasks behind the scenes which again could save 19 billion pounds a year for the healthcare industry. They could carry out many administrative tasks such as writing chart notes. They could type up patients notes via voice to text technology and do general administrative duties. They could even clean the hospitals and not spread any infection.

Image analysis is currently a very time-consuming part of medicine, there is a prototype in place that will do the job one thousand times faster than humans and can also do extremely fast real time assessments which can ensure that surgeons make the best most informed decisions. Patients could even begin to send picture messages of their rashes or problems and let the AI decide what they should do next. This could be especially useful for people who are living far away from healthcare or do not have much income or time. There is work happening to try AI on radiology tools so that they can take the X-Rays that they will then go onto analyze.

I hope that you can see a clear picture of where our healthcare world is going to go. For us older folk -it is going to seem very sci-fi but if the right AI choices are made and more people are getting helped and it is costing less, which then frees up money to be used on other aspects of healthcare such as research, can we really feel unhappy or disgruntled about it. Saving money and time and removing the human elements in some areas will and has already began saving lives.
