Health & Fitness

Nectar Sleep Mattress Reviews the Links between Anxiety and Sleep Disorders

While most of us love sleeping, there are countless people who struggle to get a good night’s sleep, often because of anxiety. This is why Nectar Sleep Mattress reviews the link between the two – anxiety and sleep disorders, in an effort to help people find the solutions they need. This requires more than a hot bath and a cup of warm milk before bedtime, it requires a more serious solution.

Nectar Sleep Mattress Reviews Anxiety Disorders and Sleep

An anxiety disorder is one of a group of illnesses, including phobias, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). All of these are treatable conditions. They can all be caused by different situations and present themselves in different ways, but they are all treatable. It is also very common for these conditions to cause insomnia, which means they struggle to fall asleep, or they struggle to stay asleep. Other sleep disorders that can present with anxiety include narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and sleep walking, however.

So what is the link between anxiety and sleep? According to research, when people experience anxiety, they can develop a sleep disorder as a result. Interestingly, however, the opposite is also true: a sleep disorder can lead to anxiety. It is the classic chicken and the egg story, therefore, and people who experience it find themselves in a vicious cycle. Similarly, medication for anxiety can cause sleep disorders, but lack of sleep can cause psychiatric disorders that require medication. This is why treatment should be organized by a medical professional who knows how to determine whether the risks outweigh the benefits or not.

Treating Sleep Disorders and Anxiety

To treat both anxiety and sleep disorder, it is vital to focus on reducing stress levels. This can be achieved through regular exercise, but also by taking part in meditation and yoga, which can help people relax. If you find you have a sleep disorder or an anxiety issue, you should speak to your physician for help. They may refer you to a sleep disorder clinic, where it can be determined whether your sleep problems are biological. Typically, they will prescribe cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), medication, and relaxation techniques.

Can I Do Anything?

There are a lot of things that you can do to make things better and to lower your levels of anxiety and stress, possibly leading to better sleep. Yoga and exercise, as mentioned, are important. You also have to allow yourself seven to nine hours to focus on sleep, and you should make sure that you have a regular routine ready. Do not have any stimulants such as chocolate, caffeine, or nicotine for a few hours before going to bed. Also, do not watch TV, work, or read in bed before going to sleep, and make sure you make your room darker. If this still doesn’t help, then speak to your physician again to find out whether there are other options.
