
What Is the Deal with accessibility overlay?

A few decades ago, could anyone have known what the internet would be, let alone just how big it would become? It is such a big part of our everyday lives. Many of us will have checked something on the internet, whether it be social media, the news, the weather, etc. before we even say good morning to our partner or step foot out of bed. The world has become a much smaller place thanks to the internet and has made so much more possible. This includes in the life of those who are disabled. It has opened up new opportunities to them. For this to be possible though, often they rely on people being responsible and making their websites accessible. If this isn’t you as yet, an accessibility overlay can get you there in no time.

How can an accessibility overlay help me and my business?

We all live busy lives and if you’re trying to run a business on top of this, your time is precious. You may want to do the right thing and make your website accessible to disabled internet users, but may feel that time is against you, and you have no idea where to fit it in. This is usually because the idea of making an accessible website seems like a major task to undertake, not to mention costly. But this does not have to be the case. An accessibility overlay is just the thing for you. While you get on with the running of your business, an accessibility overlay will work behind the scenes, identifying and correcting any problems your website faces with the issue of accessibility. It is a much cheaper option than any alternative and it is quick and efficient at what it does.

What kind of changes will it make?

As already mentioned above, it will improve any areas that a disabled internet user may have struggled with before. This could be by adding subtitles, sharper colour contrasts, full accessibility through the use of a keyboard, audio descriptions on videos or images, the list goes on. If it is something that a disabled person may struggle with, then it needs to be addressed. 


Accessibility overlay is changing the internet for those who are disabled. While it is important for your company to make sure your website is fully accessible, it doesn’t have to take up too much of your time. So don’t delay in making your website accessible today.
