Health & Fitness

One Happy Hound 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Hemp for Dogs

As the legalization of marijuana begins to span across the country, more and more cannabis, CBD oil, and hemp products are hitting the shelves. Each product contains its own list of benefits for those taking them. Although hemp contains very little amounts of CBD in it, it’s still an amazing supplement for anyone’s diet!

And as these products become more accepted and not so taboo, we see the uses for them begin to grow. You might be surprised to hear that hemp for dogs is becoming more popular amongst pet owners. If you’ve heard of CBD oil for dogs, then you’re most likely not surprised that hemp would be used for them as well.

Hemp seed oil is rich in several different nutrients! And although it won’t provide your pup with the same pain and anxiety relief that CBD oil does, it will provide your dog with plenty of other benefits. With that being said, let’s not waste any more time!

Continue reading below to learn about 10 benefits of hemp for dogs!

1. Healthy Skin and Coats

Does your dog suffer from irritated skin and a rough coat? This might be the sign of some dog allergies. It could also mean that your pup is lacking important antioxidants from his or her diet.

Whatever the case may be, you’re tired of seeing your dog suffer from skin and coat conditions. Luckily, hemp seed oil can help! The hemp seed oil contains  Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA), which works great for reducing skin allergies.

The oil is also rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants are generally good for your dog’s skin health. With both of these benefits added together, your pup’s skin should be looking much healthier in no time!

2. Healthy Hips and Joints

If your pup suffers from hip and other joint pain, then the hemp seed oil could actually bring relief. Hemp seed oil is rich in both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. It doesn’t contain CBD oil, but it does contain these Omega fatty acids that help to support flexibility.

With better flexibility, your dog will ultimately feel more comfortable. Those days of watching your pup struggle to lay down or get back up might come to an end or, at the very least, you’ll see much of an improvement.

3. Healthy Immune Response and Cardiovascular Function

Having a pup with a flawed immune system can be challenging. You struggle every day to ensure that your dog’s immune system isn’t compromised. And if your dog’s immune system doesn’t work as well as it should, this can be quite difficult.

Hemp seed oil is a great addition to your dog’s diet when he or she needs a bit of an immune boost. Again, hemp seed oil helps with this by introducing all those wonderful Omega fatty acids to the diet! But it doesn’t stop there.

All of these Omegas are also great for cardiovascular function. If your pup suffers from a heart condition or has a heart that isn’t as healthy as you’d like, then consider giving him or her some Innovet hemp pup treats as a supplement to his or her diet!

4. Healthy Digestive Tract and Weight Management

Does your pup have digestive tract issues? Does he or she suffer from irritable bowel disease? Maybe he or she is overweight or underweight due to other digestive tract problems.

If this is the case, then you need to consider giving your pup hemp seed oil to help combat these issues. The Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) that is found within hemp seed oil is also a great tool for creating a healthy digestive tract and promoting healthy weight management. The Omega fatty acids also help with these conditions.

Adding hemp seed oil into your dog’s diet might be the solution you’re looking for. Begin to supplement his or her diet with hemp and keep watch to see the progress.

5. Higher Amounts of Protein

If you’re looking to add more protein into your pup’s diet, then look no further than hemp seed oil! Even if the additional protein isn’t a concern for you, it’s still a great benefit that hemp has to offer your dog. Hemp seeds are known to be a complete source of protein.

This means that the hemp seed contains every amino acid essential for your dog’s body. This is something that very few of the other plant-based protein sources have, which makes hemp seed all that much better.

6. Higher Amounts of Vitamins and Minerals

Aside from the higher amounts of protein that hemp seed oil offers to your pup, he or she will also benefit from the higher amounts of vitamins and minerals contained within hemp. Having the right amount of vitamins and minerals in a diet is essential for maintaining a healthy and happy pooch!

Hemp seed oil is full of all those great vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E! Once you add these vitamins and minerals into your dog’s diet, you’ll begin to see the difference in their skin, coat, immune system, and other overall body health.

7. Slowed Down Spread of Cancer

It’s something that we never want to consider or think about, but just as humans can become infected with cancer, so can our furry friends. If you have a pup that suffers from cancer, then you know just how hard it can be to watch them in pain. Although hemp seed oil can’t provide pain relief, it can slow down the spread of cancer cells.

The Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) works to stimulate cancer cell death, and the Omega fatty acids work to prevent cancer altogether. Because of this, hemp seed oil makes for a great supplement for pups even without cancer!

8. Reduced Inflammation

Does your pup suffer from inflammation in his or her bones and joints? If so, then he or she might have a hard time getting around and living a normal pup life. This is hard to watch as a pet owner, but there are some ways to reduce this inflammation.

The Phospholipids harvested inside of the hemp seed are a great way to manage inflammation. Giving your dog hemp seed oil supplements is going to reduce the inflammation and promote healthy movement!

9. No Interference with the Kidneys or Liver

Finding the right supplements for your dog’s diet can be quite a process. This is due to the fact that you have to do your research on the different products and ensure that they only contain good ingredients for your pup. The side effects of these products can also raise a red flag.

Some products can greatly affect other parts of the body while helping another. However, why would you want to give your dog something that is destroying one thing while helping something else? You don’t.

Because of this, it’s beneficial to use hemp seed oil instead. Unlike many other supplements or medications, hemp seed oil does not interfere with the kidneys or the liver.

10. Safer Use Than Fish Oil

If you’ve thought about or are currently use fish oil as a supplement in your dog’s diet, it’s time to reconsider it. Fish oil is made by using heat during the production stages. Because heat is used in the production of it, the fish oil becomes somewhat unstable.

This use of heat can make the fish oil go bad quickly and cause inflammation in your pup. You don’t want either of these problems! Hemp seed oil is safer than fish oil because it’s cold-pressed. This means that it’s more stable and not as likely to go bad quickly.

Although, you should still consider keeping your hemp seed oil products in the refrigerator to help them last even longer. You also won’t have to worry about hemp seed oil containing levels of mercury, radiation, or other types of contaminants that you would worry about with fish oil.

Organic hemp products are going to be grown organically without the use of pesticides or other types of toxins.

It’s Time to Consider Hemp for Dogs!

Do you have a pup that you believe could benefit from hemp seed oil? If so, then it’s time to consider hemp for dogs! Even if your pup doesn’t suffer from any of the conditions spoken about above, it’s still a great way to prevent any of these conditions from forming and promote a healthy body overall.

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